Institute of Environmentology, Research and Education for Sustainability or Sustainable Development, Kazutoshi Fujihira


Institute of Environmentology >> Books

Sustainable Regional Planning

Edited by Almusaed A. & Almssad A., August 2023
ISBN: 978-1-80356-051-9, Print ISBN: 978-1-80356-050-2,
eBook (PDF) ISBN: 978-1-80356-052-6, Publisher: IntechOpen

[Chapter 2] Fujihira, K., DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.110235
Sustainable Land Development: Biodiversity, Natural Disasters, and Topographic Gradient
This chapter illustrates a comprehensive method for sustainable land development based on three significant land attributes: biodiversity, natural disaster risks, and topographic gradient.

Sustainable Housing

Edited by Almusaed A. & Almssad A., February 2022
ISBN: 978-1-83969-648-0, Print ISBN: 978-1-83969-647-3,
eBook (PDF) ISBN: 978-1-83969-649-7, Publisher: IntechOpen

[Chapter 3] Fujihira, K., DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.100126
Sustainable Housing Design: System Control Strategy
This chapter illustrates how to design sustainable homes systematically. It also contains compact and user-friendly sustainable housing design guidelines for general use.

Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development

Edited by Sarvajayakesavalu S. & Charoensudjai P., May 2021
ISBN: 978-1-83880-917-1, Print ISBN: 978-1-83880-916-4,
eBook (PDF) ISBN: 978-1-83880-928-7, Publisher: IntechOpen

[Chapter 17] Fujihira, K., DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.95012
How to Design Sustainable Structures
This chapter demonstrates how to design large-scale structures sustainably with examples of housing and urban design.

Different Strategies of Housing Design

Edited by Cakmakli, A., November 2019
ISBN: 978-1-78984-386-6, Print ISBN: 978-1-78984-385-9,
eBook (PDF) ISBN: 978-1-83962-677-7, Publisher: IntechOpen

[Chapter 4] Fujihira, K., DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.86278
・Comprehensive Strategy for Sustainable Housing Design

This chapter illustrates the process of producing and revising comprehensive “sustainable housing design guidelines” and its concrete example. The research results have led to indicating how to adjust the guidelines to different countries or regions as well as changing situations over time.

Sustainable Home Design by Applying Control Science

Written by Fujihira, K., December 2017, 106 pages,
ISBN978-953-51-3658-3, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3657-6,
Publisher: InTech, DOI: 10.5772/64660

Sustainable Home Design by Applying Control ScienceToday's homes must prepare for a progressing ageing population and an increasing risk caused by climate change, as well as reduce CO2 emissions. How homes can be designed to meet all of these requirements? How such design can be promoted in the housing market? "Sustainable Home Design by Applying Control Science" answers these questions, by using a novel approach. Kazutoshi Fujihira, an innovative environmental scientist and sustainable housing award winner, demonstrates the "control system for promoting sustainable home design" with the "sustainable design guidelines" and "sustainability checklist." Moreover, the chapter of case study illustrates an actually designed and constructed house, which shows excellent sustainability and energy-saving performance.

Chapter 1 Requirements for Sustainable Housing Design
The introductory chapter clarifies major sustainability issues related to housing, mainly focusing on climate change and ageing population.

Chapter 2 Background: Existing Japanese Systems Related to Sustainable Housing
Chapter 2 outlines existing Japanese systems related to sustainable housing and clarifies the remaining issues.

Chapter 3 Basic Schemes: Preparations for Applying Control Science to Sustainable Design
The third chapter shows the basic schemes, namely the "basic control system for sustainability," "model of sustainability," and "two-step preparatory work for sustainable design."

Chapter 4 Methodology of Applying Control Science to Sustainable Housing Design
Chapter 4 demonstrates the "control system for promoting sustainable home design" with the "sustainable design guidelines" and "sustainability checklist."

Chapter 5 Case Study: Detached House Designed by Following the Control System
The chapter of case study illustrates an actually designed and constructed house, which shows excellent sustainability and energy-saving performance.

Chapter 6 Discussion and Conclusion: Effectiveness, Characteristics and Future Prospects of the Methodology
The last chapter discusses the effectiveness, characteristics (user-friendliness, comprehensiveness, flexibility, etc.) and applicability of the methodology.

Complex Systems, Sustainability and Innovation

Complex Systems, Sustainability and InnovationEdited by Thomas, C., December 2016, 124 pages
ISBN 978-953-51-2842-7, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2841-0
InTech - Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia

[Research paper included in this book]
・System Control for Sustainability: Application to Building Design
Fujihira, K.

This paper shows a practical method for both “promoting sustainable design” and “designing sustainable homes” with a concrete example. This method flexibly deals with various issues, including climate change and ageing population.

Sustainable Development - Policy and Urban Development - Tourism, Life Science, Management and Environment

Edited by Ghenai, C., February 2012, 478 pages
ISBN 978-953-51-0100-0
InTech - Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia

[Research paper included in this book]
・An Approach to Sustainable Development by Applying Control Science
Fujihira, K., pp. 299-318.

This paper shows a method for smooth control system design for sustainable development with a case study.

A Short Introduction to Environmentology

(Japanese title: Korekara Hajimeru Kankyogaku)
Fujihira, K., 2001, 64 pages
ISBN 4-87699-626-1 (in Japanese)
Kamogawa-syuppan, Kyoto, Japan;
English translation: A Short Introduction to Environmentology

The Limits of Earth

The Limits of Earth(Japanese title: Chikyu no Genkai)
Supervised by Research Group of Ecological Materials
Edited by Mizutani, H., 1999, 397 pages
ISBN 4-8171-9055-8 (in Japanese)
Nikka-Giren-syuppansha, Tokyo, Japan

[Research papers included in this book]
・ Dissemination of Environmental Information and Social Systems
Fujihira, K., pp. 335-343.
・ Organizing Related Information Promotes the Solution of Environmental Problems
Fujihira, K., p. 356.

An Introduction to Environmentology

An Introduction to Environmentology(Japanese title: Kankyogaku Nyumon)
Fujihira, K., 1999, 345 pages
ISBN 4-532-14743-3 (in Japanese)
Nihon-Keizai-syuppansha, Tokyo, Japan

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